Define highlight blocking in photography
Define highlight blocking in photography

define highlight blocking in photography
  1. #Define highlight blocking in photography how to#
  2. #Define highlight blocking in photography series#
  3. #Define highlight blocking in photography windows#

(If auto bracketing is available on your Nikon D-SLR, the camera manual will tell you how to select and set it. Once he picks the steps (the increments) of the bracket, the camera handles the rest. He takes the bracket using his camera's auto bracketing feature-which does pretty much what the name suggests. The choice often depends on the range and severity of the scene's contrast. Tony usually makes a five-shot bracket, though three- and seven-shot brackets are also common in HDR photography. If either happens, he'll adjust the f/stop and, perhaps, the ISO. "Then I'll check the histogram, which will show, even better than viewing the base exposure on the LCD, what's going on in the scene." The histogram will tell him if he's blowing out the highlights (he'll see the spikes go off the top of the graph at the right side) or blocking up the shadows (in which case he'll see the spikes go off the chart at the left side). "I take a Matrix meter reading of the scene for my base exposure," Tony says of his next step. Then he sets his Nikon D-SLR for aperture priority operation-meaning that the aperture he chooses will not vary from shot to shot. We talked recently with nature photographer Tony Sweet about the techniques he uses to create HDR images in both outdoor and indoor situations.įirst, his camera is always on a tripod to insure that the images he's going to take don't vary in composition, and that every shot is as sharp as it can be.

define highlight blocking in photography

#Define highlight blocking in photography series#

And when you shoot outdoors, the sunlight that creates bright highlights will also create dark shadows expose for one and you lose detail in the other.īut when you make an HDR image, what you see is what you're going to get because an HDR photograph results when you take a series of exposures-commonly called a bracket-to capture both highlights and shadow detail. If you expose to capture what's outside those windows, the room's details are going to be lost in shadow.

#Define highlight blocking in photography windows#

Try it the other way-meter for the shadows-and it's likely you'll end up with what are commonly called "blown out" highlights.Ī familiar example of that: a well-exposed room interior in which the windows are blazing with light. If you choose to meter for the highlights (the bright areas), you'll lose pretty much all the detail in the shadow areas of the scene. The camera is going to have trouble capturing the ends of that drastic range. We see into a scene's brightly lit areas, and we can also tell what's going on in the shadows. The "necessary" reason for making an HDR image is due to the fact that our eyes can perceive an extraordinary range of contrast in a scene, a range far greater than any camera's sensor can capture. Basically there are two reasons to make an HDR (High Dynamic Range) photograph: necessity and creativity-and because those reasons often overlap, you'll get great photos and be able to add your own personal touches along the way.

Define highlight blocking in photography